What was the wildest sentence (or cringest) you've read from a fanfic?
The face of a boneless gecko annoyed because she didn't get her dinner, much less her hornworm Pill Pocket, .2 seconds after I took the top off the container...
Since y'all gave Adira so much love, she gets her own progress update as requested!
What phobias do reptile owners have?
You have to get a tattoo from a piece of media, but without a casual fan knowing what it is.
How do people feel about characters calling each other "bro" or "sis" to reinforce that they are siblings?
On anger and how to use it
Sir Terry Pratchett's Granny Weatherwax on anger and how to use it
We tried silkworms. We like silkworms. However...
I didn't realise they had such good eyesight in the light.
I've seen this before, but I still love it
Tea related quotes
Please put translation requests and English questions about Irish here
American Ninja Warrior
Unyielding Yelp Warrior
“But it’s such a short night”
I'm not sure I have ever changed my opinion on a Disc novel more while reading it than I have with 'Thief of Time'
This is embarrassing in so many levels!
STP on bullies and feeling powerless
If you think you're hungry all the time, maybe what you're feeling is just not being full
I'm only 16 days old and I'm bigger than most of you, hehe!
Are skinny/healthy weight people just not as hungry as people who struggle with obesity?
Concerned about Sandile