What were your thoughts on the suit change in The Marvels? Was it an upgrade or downgrade?
Truly an AMAZING anime! Chivalry Of A Failed Knight
Is Batman beyond a better fighter than joker?
Couldn't iron man just blast Bruce in the head to force hulk out?
Should the justice league have a family relationship or a professional one
Scott and Emma by 16_koa
Man I love these covers
Is there a chance she can cut herself while using her katana?
Psylocke by RavernClouk
X-men O5 by MattZ
Picking an MCU Black Widow look/costume for each category | Day 5. What’s her overrated look?
These two films had [SPOILER] technically win butttt….
(10 year anniversary time) How do you feel about Spectre nowadays after 10 years?
Sketch cover art by Stephen Segovia
Who is the best love interest for Dr Doom?
Which Robin will be the leader of the Titans in The DCU?
Is the Batman Who Laughs overrated?
Picking an MCU Black Widow look/costume for each category | Day 2. What’s her worst look?
Which Babs suit do you like more?
Am I the only one who prefer Spidey as street level hero?
What do you think the potential relationship between Miles and Mayday Parker would be like? [Head canons]
Who’s the warmest assassin from this list?
Mount Rushmore of superhero cartoons?
why t1000 look diffrent? in genisys
Hypothetically, how would Spiderman stop a plane crash? Could he?
What character would you say was done better in the MCU than the comics