Split Needs to Go
What is a character that you think is way more powerful than people realize?
Regigigas is SO lucky Game Freak didn't make Slow Start immune to Neutralizing Gas.
What do you think Mojang should add to Minecraft?
Skeleton wearing wither head + sword!!?
Me with pokemon unite
Were there any friendly, peaceful Orcs?
Additional writings on the Barrow Downs?
What would happen to Saruman and Grima Wormtongune if they were not killed in The Shire and wandered Middle Earth as powerless vagabonds
What happened to the cloaks of Lorien after Lord of the Rings?
I think Clove's ultimate should be buffed.
My duo thinks he carries
You can skip bot matches!
I love this game
yeah bring remoat back idc if people don't like it, that snake is TRASHHHHH
What Did i do? There's no reason
Paradise in Sight..
Me when I finally finish my finals
Movie Ron and Hermione?
What would Voldemorts Boggart be?
I have never realized this
In defense of Remus and Tonks (mostly Tonks)
What was your impression when you first came across this moment and has it changed?
How could Hermione go for Ron having this man courting her?
Anyone else consistently main a bunch of Pokémon at once?