Are there any songs that when you heard them for the first time you thought were ‘meh’ until you gave them another few listens?
Which album do you think is more underrated and which one do you prefer?
I just revisited K.I.M.B. ...It's as good if not better than I remembered. I don't think it gets the love it deserves. For me, it's a top 3 Megadeth record
Here’s something I’ve noticed about Ride the Lightning, Master of Puppets and to an extent …And Justice For All
What are some song recommendations from their first two albums?
What was the first Megadeth song you listened to and what song or songs really got you into them?
What song do you think is the Anthem of Cliff Burton, meaning where the bass was just as powerful as the guitars, if not more?
Who is your favorite Exodus frontman/vocalist?
Best thrash band outside of the Big 4 and best albums and songs from those bands?
What are some essential Exodus songs I should add to my metal playlist?
What are some Exodus and Testament songs that are essential and I should add to my metal playlist?
What are some essential Exodus and Testament songs I should add to my metal playlist?
One of my favorite pictures of Kerry King in the 80s
These are my kings!(The second picture is Kerry King if you couldn’t tell)
Is it just me or do the opening riffs to War Ensemble, Angel of Death and Repentless sound similar?
Is it just me or do these two songs sound similar?(Rust In Peace… Polaris and Kick The Chair)
I’m a newish Slayer fan, so what are some of your song recommendations?
What are some songs you want them to play live more often?
What is your dream Setlist
Favorite Metallica Quote?