My friend, 18, has never had a girlfriend, works at a restaurant scooping ice cream, does not go out at all and listens to J-pop.
I'm looking for a movie where the hunter becomes the hunted .
What is the worst sequel of all time?
I walked out of an interview after one question. Was I wrong?
Possible source of the General's Uniform
Connection Poor
Is this what I think it is?
How did you stay alive for so long as an adult?
Anything just dont say Anton Chigurh
Rough start, is the juice worth the squeeze ?
So it's going to take two seasons for Spencer to get back to montana?
What's the best insult you've ever heard that doesn't use curse words?
Feels so slow
What did your dad do that made you realize he was a total badass?
Deliberate and slow paced movies
I live off ramen and solve Rubik’s cubes as a hobby. It can’t get any worse. Have at it
I hate this machine and I’m about to give up
My experience watching The Rise of Skywalker in theater
To people who genuinely find full masks more comfortable than nasal variants - what is your reasoning?
Remote start
If aliens landed tomorrow, what’s the first thing you’d say to them?
Should I listen to Toyota dealership and do an oil change every 10k miles?
It would've been better for SW as a franchise if the Mandalorian had failed/never existed
First time user last night! Should I continue using my machine this weekend with these bumps? Woke up to these bumps and they hurt!
Things you don't want to hear during a tour of a nuclear power plant