Thoughts on The Matrix Path Of Neo video game?
Which is the better version of Superstar Saga? GBA or 3DS
Thoughts on The Angry Beavers?
Thoughts on Time Squad?
Favorite VHS cover artwork
What was the last VHS you ever bought?
Thoughts on Too Smart For Strangers With Winnie The Pooh?
Thoughts on Mario And Luigi Superstar Saga?
How would they interact with each other? Paulina Sanchez and Trixie Tang
Thoughts on Chuck E. Cheese pizza?
What was the first toy you ever played with?
Favorite rat breed
How would they interact with each other? Dr. Drakken and Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz
How would they interact with each other? Azula and Vicky
Thoughts on Kim Possible What's The Switch video game?
How would these two characters interact with each other? Marilyn Berman and Miriam Pataki
Thoughts on NES Ghostbusters video game?
Thoughts on Sega Saturn's House Of The Dead?
Thoughts on Wario World?
Thoughts on BCI's Ultraman dvds?
How would they get along/interact? Dr. Crews and Charles McCulloch
Whatever happened to that lady that Lois beated up in Company Picnic?
Favorite Megaman video game
Thoughts on Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Fanta juice?
How would they get along/interact? Izzy and Max