Wife didn't want the networking gear visible in the house, so we compromised...
PTR Feedback season 8 in a nutshell
Why are we going around murdering these fine chaps?
What is the #1 QOL change you want?
Have you ever spent 1 billion on a mistake of your own choosing?
TIL that lunar shrines reset at the end of a headhunt
Cataclysm Druid this season is just...
start a thread of all your bellies up
If you had an unlimited budget, what's the first thing you would buy?
What went wrong with my benchy?
It's quite an upgrade
Do you get used to the bigger size?
Show definitive proof your cats have rough lives
Just Dropping The Anchor
Can't believe someone turned her down cause she wasn't 'perfect'
Why don't NM dungeon sigils stack?
Is there any shard that could make me sadder? No.
Dark Citadel with group finder is truly hell
Profitec Go not working out of box, please help!
Yoga 7x screen reflections
Scrivener on Arm chips
Scrivener on Arm on Windows
Does your cat say bless you?
Post the most recent pic of your cat or cats from your camera roll, no cheating. Frank will judge you like he’s judging me for scrolling reddit if he finds out.