full face mask blowing mouth open
Insanely high Respiratory Rate
Almost one month in and I'm giving up
Help!! Low oxygen saturation!!
What’s your experience with choking in the middle of the night?
Social and financial life with sleep apnea? How?
Benefits of sleep apnea?
What's an event from your life that can't really be properly explained?
Question for everyone over 18 y/o: If you could give one life advice to a teenager, what it would be?
Withdrawing applications?
Can quitting drinking alleviate central apnea?
How come my mind feels more handicapped after waking up?
I have a question can they tell between obstructive sleep apnea and Uars in a lab sleep study? How do they tell which it is?
Adult Gen Z's, what's your living situation like?
Do men actually imagine having sex with every woman they meet?
Worth experimenting?
What was the turning point for you that made you take CPAP/Sleep Apnea serious?
If y’all have low spo2 <90 on sleep study consider seeing a pulmongist
CPAP danger without a doctor
Is it normal to think about death a lot. I’m not depressed but I have been diagnosed with mild chronic restrictive lung disease
Anyone using ASV
Will my sleep test be valid if it kept waking me up?!