If Ben Stiller promised to honestly answer one question about the story line, what would you most be tempted to ask right now?
Praise Kier for this place, the main subs are simply insufferable
I feel like some of you have ‘decided’ you’re not going to like this season…
Trying to make my graphics Awful (PC)
Arkham Knight should have been the future of gaming
What game do you enjoy regardless of how much hate it gets online?
Burt and Irving = Bert and Ernie
How long has r/severence been misspelled?
what i think is really going on
Wow... I expected this when I watched the latest episode but yikes...
In regards to Dylan's actions s2e09
Exclusives DO Matter and I'm tired of people saying that "they don't"
AIO for leaving my bf because he body shamed me
Forget hours played. What's the furthest date you've ever gotten to in game?
What do you think about Survival mode?
Imagine if part one Naruto got a remake?
I do not think cobel will go full anti lumon
Kobe Rocking The Cowboys Jerseys Made Me Want To Throwup 🤮..RIP 2 The 🐐 Tho🙏🏿
Fave times when the gang is nice to each other?
In your opinion
Not watching trailers or speculating about a future game is probably the best course of action
The last episode… yeah.
AIO about the wall of text my brother in law sent his kids
Little brother energy
What the fucking fuck?!