What is the most awkward thing you’ve accidently said during a hookup?
Missing people in Mexico....
Father and Son Resolve Dispute
A little happy hopper
What has been your favorite age and why?
What was the last thing you ordered online?
Tig ol’ Bitties
Definition of this subreddit's name
Why are women generally more into fashion than men?
Fox News Controversy...
What’s a good audiobook that has an immersive story and a great narrator?
What would actually happen if you had a super power that could stop time?
If you had to replace your hands with two everyday objects, what would you choose and why?
What’s a widely accepted fact that you’re convinced is actually BS?
DAE prefer all black shoes because they last longer in terms of showing dirt or age?
What’s a ripe response for when someone around you farts?
DAE reminisce about burning playlists onto CD’s?
What’s your go to terminology for “skid marks” in someone’s underwear?
Woman knocks out man then gets a strike
Woman knocks out man, then goes bowling while others laugh without offering help
What are some subtle hints that someone is trashy?
Good fight !
Who's your bucket list band/artist?