And we shall hold them
Homebrew Monster: The Kabooter
Homebrew Monster for Deadlands (WW): The Kabooter
I’m not even American but this is sad. Life shouldn’t revolve around work, and especially not to this extent.
Spino got the biggest nerf in dino history
New Marshall SWADE- Hexslinger as a Novice?
I heard y'all like the Pinkertons
The so called God of War
Elon Musk 'close to tears' in interview about Tesla struggles
Riverside Siren by ME
The worst of all the Arnold one liners? I'm going with "Daahnce you whores!".
The worst of all the Arnold one liners?
Art that I hope is what Werewulf is like. I hope it keeps that haunting moonlight lighting that Nosferatu had, though seeing how it's about Werewolves, is a safe bet.
Best portrayals of the devil?
Steampunk Dwarf Mage by Artiom Fazli
The undead Mound Dweller
David Brooks had a feeling and want's to share it with us.
The Impaler, Impaled Me
"Finally, the last piece of the puzzle"
How to Space Out World Events?
Moby Dick by artist Gerard DuBois
Request for Specific Advice for New Marshall
I present to you: The Total Warhammer Iceberg
Ricochet/Trick Shot Powers or Edges?
Something’s not right in the Wild West