Is this a scam?
Got my hands on a bunch of tuning machines from the sixties
[1960] [1970] I got my hands on many boxes of vintage tuners from the 60s and 70s
My local music store has brand new tuning machines from the fifties and sixties
All I did was break a high E string.
My Squier Jaguars (& Ro-328)
Got both of my guitars hung up today
[BWC] what is this? I can find little to no info on this anywhere
Can I open my new player II or should I actually wait 24 hours?
Help me find who made this knife and/or how much it's worth
First guitar at Christmas modded myself 3 days later
inspired by AC/DC
‘59 Burst just vanished !
my collection as a 16yo
I was recording a video to post but I then saw the faces I was making during the solo😭is there anyway I can look less goofy when I'm fully focused on my playing?
What was your First CD??
Epiphone serial number
Dads rock pick/plectrum collection from the actual bands. Anything rare/cool here? I know that Phil Collen gave him the def leopard pick
There are no fake Epiphones, or "mom, I want an epiphone Les Paul! No son, we have one at home" 😆
Local restaurant I used to eat at and walk by very often burned to the ground, will be replaced by a taco bell
NGD - Just wow
my D standard beater
Sad discovery tonight
The gang’s all here
Need some general critique on my playing and guitar tone