Why do you have 2 phones?
What is the sexiest thing you didn't mean to see?
Why is ARAD so 🔥 the past few days? Are we all here to cope with the state of the U.S./world?
If you had to wear a warning label, what would it say?
Is there room for a (40f) amongst all these gorgeous younger girls?
What sexy fact do you know about someone, who isn't aware that you know?
Alcohol and the internet... A classic combination (f)
how have you initiated a one night stand?
Given the traditional genie rules... What are you changing about your physical self?
What's the best accidental nudity you've ever seen?
At what temperature is it acceptable to wear shorts outside?
What’s ur advice for initiating sexy time?
What is one normal thing people do, but it feels naughty to you?
Is anyone as good at getting you off with their hands, as you are to yourself?
What’s the craziest thing you’ve done out of pure desire for sex?
when youre having sex with your partner, do you imagine other people? this is a judgement free zone.
What brought you to orgasm, surprisingly fast?
Australian beaches, what should I expect?
What’s the hottest thing you were ever sent?
What is the kinkiest/sexiest thing y’all have done with someone in public
American men, Canadian men, British men or Australian men. Which group of men are the best at sex?
Women - decode this for me…
What would Steve Irwin say about you?
Have you ever flashed your boobs in public? How did it happen?
Tell us the sluttiest thing you've done on the internet