No way people are talking about the number 69 because Eminem's mother (debbie) passed away at 69
These degenerate kid's are Sexualizing the number 69 because Eminem's mother (debbie) died at the age of 69
what the heck is this
Type “I’m going to” and let it autocomplete
Did you know this?
Can anyone tell me the history of MT railroad's FL-9. I'm too bored to search it up on google.
Dead internet comment.
Kids judging other kids
Drop some sick beats below
these guys must be sigmas…
Where are you peeing
Roast me in a FNAF way
The glazing is insane. (under a “Top 10 worst YouTubers” short)
Two young homophobic individuals
wtf is this
How does this guy even be allow to have discord? He makes no sense
He forgot to switch accounts
is there a R/youngpeoplediscord? If so Can i post this? (Teens talk about how "pinging" and saying "you stole my suggestion" in a funny way is bad for their discord train server)
Found these on discord. Rate it 1-10 per locomotive and car.
Guess where
Young talk about Pinging and saying that someone stole others suggestion is SUPER BAD for discord.
Pre Maryland Area Rail Commuter "MARC" paint scheme