Now that DCU is near, which of the other DC Universes did you enjoy?
What are some 'FICTIONAL fictional superheroes that you like?
Top 20 Batman Films/Series: Day 13!
Do you like a cynical superman or a jolly one?
Why Did The Invincible Variants Get Defeated By No-Named Heroes?
Which Is The Best Mafia Batman Villain?
Top 20 Batman Films/Series: Day 12
Who is agreed ?
Is Lelouch the smartest in the room?
My Youtube Is Automatically Dubbing English Videos In Hindi.
Who Are The Infinity Stones?
Top 20 Batman Films\Series: Day 11
Is it only me or does This girl from "The Lost Lands" by GRRM looks like Mahito
Why Are Green Lantern's Imagination So Weak?
What's Dr. Doom's Relation to/Opinion on H.Y.D.R.A.??
Oh no
In this scene, why does Light say this?
Top 20 Batman Films/Series: Day 10
[Meme] What is Subaru smiling at? Wrong Answers only.
I read the Aisha chapter
What are some FREE websites to make my paper plagiarism free?