Am i crazy for thinking these two new snippets dont sound that good?
Havent seen anyone talk about this
JV-Fable Emoji Giveaway Extravaganza
Unpopular Opinion: I far prefer the original Things behind Things behind Things from COVID times.
Everything is peaceful love was first previewed almost 4 years ago
SABLE, fABLE: Writing Credits
How have i never heard this before, top tier justin song
Charlotte, any questions ?
Livestream update
Why is this new song appearing on fefa?
This MIGHT be what heaven sounds like
Where tf the christmas song at
Lump Sum (featuring Blindsided, 715 Creeks, Heavenly Father) - cover created for Counterpart!
Heavenly father studio recording
Heavenly Father
What song/ live performance has bon ivers best vocal performance
Noah kahan x bon iver confirmed