[DISCUSSION] Does Batman Glide In The Comics?
I abaolutly adore King's current run BUT
[DISCUSSION] What Are The Important Tie-In Issues For Final Crisis?
If one roster slot had to be dedicated to a Wonder Woman villain, which one would you like to see?
After 232 hours of total playtime, according to PS, I have this damned ability 😩
Still nothing new about injustice 3?
[DISCUSSION] When Do You Think Alfred Will Return?
Has Injustice 3 Ever Been Confirmed?
I wrote a fan script for the first part of an animated Wonder Woman show pilot (Part 1 of 3)
What are your theories on Absolute Wonder Woman
How Do I Connect My Channel To My Google AdSense Account?
Am I Supposed To Add My YouTube Channel's URL To Google AdSense's "Add Site" Tab?
How Can I Connect My Channel To My Google AdSense Account?
[DISCUSSION] Is The Three Jokers Canon?
What would you say is the name of this Wonder Woman suit?
What are your hopes & worries for the upcoming wonder woman game?
Wonder Woman not getting given a chance is very telling
[Video Games] Who is your favorite character to play in Injustice 2?
What Wonder Woman Stories Should I Read?
[Collection] My GL trade bookshelf!
[GUEST CHARACTER] If Hasbro had success with the Power Rangers Reboot, you want Power Rangers like guest character in a future Injustice 3?
What Does Your Current Pull-List Look Like
[DISCUSSION] What To Know Before I Read Blue Beetle #1?
This comic is so wholesome.
[DISCUSSION] Can Reverse Flash Ever Permanently Die?