Brand new wtaf is this
I am looking to buy a gaming laptop under 600 USD
Help me decide a birthday present
Xmanager not working
could someone please help me find this t shirt worn by polo g in his music video martin and gina?
Can anyone help me find this sweathshirt please?thank you
Am I the kameena for telling my ex that she is happier with her current bf?
Can someone make this pink?
Are braces without extraction okay?
Are braces without extraction fine? How else can I fix my misaligned crooked teeth? I can't get an expander as I am over the age for that.
Cutest thing I've ever seen
My job hired a Nazi
Will I develop any medical problems if I start eating meat now?
Trump says if we don’t elect him president, we are all going to die.
We are not the same
Please be like bob and don't comment something that has already been commented twenty times
Stop trying to trick people just to call them stupid
if money is the route of all evil in most religions.. then why do most religious places ask for it?
Guys, where do you finish when you masturbate?
Who’s got me beat?
How many comments will this individual predictions post have in 7 days time? (Round 2)
What's this.. is it a cocoon? thing.. is it a cocoon?