How long for hair to grow back after 4x BEP?
Recovery from compression caused by a tumor
Question about tumor markers going down
Bitter smell then a bitter taste
I just rang the bell and had my last infusion!
Is this real or fake ??please help before I make a mistake
Hair Loss
What exactly is the difference between a seminoma and a non-seminoma?
My last bleomycin infusion is on December 30th - what I experienced with 4xBEP
Promising AFP and LDH results
What determines if you need an RPLND?
When did you lose your hair?
My newest lab for my AFP markers shows a level of 61.4 and I start my 3rd cycle on Monday! A big improvement from 10,000 originally!
How exactly does a mixed germ cell tumor work?
I started my second cycle of BEP on Monday, does this mean the chemo is working?
How strong is the pumpkin spice in the pumpkin spice latte?
How does a mixed germ cell tumor work?
What can you taste while on chemo?
How is/was your chemo treatment scheduled?
Started my first day of BEP chemo on Monday!