Just because you’re totally obsessed with ______ doesn’t mean you’re gay!
Spirits, what’s your favourite porn genre?
____ is the most powerful person in the world
I’m not gay but I like to ____ men sometimes
I'm so hungry I could gobble a ______
Spirits, what is your favorite word?
Holy shit! Is that the ______ over there!
I have ___phobia
Shit! I accidentally ____ my sister.
Can you tell me what this “Ouija” is?
I’m looking for signs of intelligent life on earth. What should I look for?
I just came all over ____
i don't want him anyway girl _____ him
The funniest word in the English language is _______.
Alcoholic here. Can I get drunk on what Trump is drinking or do I have to take a political science course?
It’s weird that I have to _____ every time I pee.
The element Aluminimum implies the existence of the element Alumaximum. Has science addressed this yet, and will the periodic table be updated accordingly?
Should I believe the man screaming at me not to sell my bitcoins?
What is the sun
Where can I purchase a carbon footprint?
Why your brain forget but remember you that you forgot something??
Will rubbing my junk on my wife's pillow make her want me again?
What do you call that uncomfortable feeling whenever you see someone get hurt?
Damn, son! Her body is a ten, but she’s got a _______ face.
Do you like bald girls?