How do you want to die?
What's your plan this weekend?
What were you bullied for?
My Colleagues at Work Want Me to Treat Them
Workmate na nag ta-tantrums in the office
What is the best complement you've recieved?
Would you give your life to another person? Why or why not?
what is something most people take for granted but would struggle without?
How much cash do you usually carry with you?
What is an unsolved mystery that you'd love to find out?
What do you like about yourself?
How happy are you in life on a scale of one to ten?
To those who’s still in Facebook, what made you stay or still active?
What is the biggest secret you’re hiding from your parents ‘til now?
What's the dumbest way you've accidentally hurt yourself?
Share what helps you stay happy?
What's your bad habbit/s?
What is your real body count?
What do you think? Can a genuinely platonic relationship exist among adult males and females?
why do some people look good in real life pero bad o average in photos?