A customer didn’t want me to serve them because I had a cold sore
Passport Photo
Welp, there it is
For white people
The walmart Saga
My Kid’s School Wants to Switch to a 4-Day Week Next Year
US classifies South Korea as ‘sensitive country,’ limiting cooperation on advanced tech
This okay?
Future IT Programming Student - Should I panic?
Received a cheque from student awards in the mail, not sure where to go from here
STOP! Post a meme about your country
When people say "times it by x."
friend just cancelled on me for my birthday last minute
Drive thru wait?
Why don’t Europeans admit they are Asian? Are they racist?
How lame am I for buying lego sets as a 29 year old?
Dear low talkers, does everyone constantly ask you to repeat yourself or pretend they’ve heard you?
we appreciate u maine
Korea after trump said "South Korea's average tariff is four times higher."
Hey guys, if you don't send us a tree this year, we understand.
Halifax airport
Genuine question
Anyone else go grocery shopping then immediately get fast food after for dinner?
Can a clitoris be trained to read braille?