Optimism feels like delusion.
Need help with artichokes
Ancient Quran
What should I, as an atheist, do, according to Islam? What is the best option? Am I simply doomed to hell?
In defense of Islam
Friend still want to practice haram after reverting
May Allah bless you ❤️
Haram relationship
My father is sick please pray for me
Ishmael Vs. Isaac
Meeting a Muslim friend's parents as a non religious person. Help?
During ramadan, would reading compilation of hadith and/or reading the biography of The Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) count as a pious deed ?
I got gifted 200 grams of mozarella, what could I make with it?
How to make yummy sandwiches with Costco rotisserie chicken?
Is it permissible to recycle graves ? If yes, is there a minimal defined interval or any other stipulation ?
Is it permissible to recycle graves in Canada ? If yes, is there a minimal defined interval or any other stipulation ?
Muslim to Christian but I still have many unanswered questions and doubts…
Being an Asian Muslim Woman in a white male dominated financial firm
Do Muslims not apologize to each other?
From Your Brother
Can we have everything we want in Jannah?
Why is Surah Yaa'sin given a high importance among muslims in the Indian subcontinent ?
Please don't forget Sudan (war and famine)
How would you feel when Isa (Jesus) PBUH will be living with us in the future?