Your Job vs. Your Salary
How is everyone else enjoying the event?
Am I getting screwed by this offer?
Post Match Thread: Toronto Ultra vs. Optic Texas | Minor II | CDL 2025 | @GGBreakingPoint
Let's do this! Vote in comments. Most upvoted comment gets put on tomorrow! Part 5.
Everytime time I sin, I realize why M+K are superior.
Movie Chart Day 24. What movie was meant to be exciting, is gross?
Optic Major 2 Qualifiers Recap
F forr...
Movie Chart Day 14. What movie was meant to be scary, is gross?
Comment your main deck and I'll decide whether you're allowed in
So Jan was pregnant with Assturd during the Dinner Party right?
Pocket Puzzle #2, this time with r/PTCGP's fav deck! 🌑 Win in 3 turns!
99% of highway accidents happen because the driver was not wearing gloves.
Are driving gloves a bit pretentious or do they really help?
Fuck Auburn
How's this for a spaghetti bowl? Golden Glades Interchange, Miami Gardens/North Miami Beach, FL
Kenny 1v2 Round 11
Drop the funniest nba quotes below
Where does my grandpa’s search history rank all time?
coin flip data
Do Pensacola People Feel Behind on the Times?
Hey Floridians, How Does It Feel To Be One Hour Ahead of Pensacola?
Good old fashioned Mexican standoff
The hell was that result 💀
190 out, a creek to hit over, wind in your face, and a full gallery sitting behind the green. What are you hitting?