Best and worst Metallica music videos?
My normal 600 elo match:
Since politics is allowed on here, I’m ____-leaning
I gained Elo without playing. It says also that my rapid is inactive. Why is that?
I'm seeing the new ___man movie tomorrow.
Spirits, why did she leave?
Inspired by u/wata_malone, songs that would make very good birthday gifts
this sub is notorious for its excessive _______ING
Best song from albums day 9:
What Song first got you into Metallica?
Spirits, are you chill with the BBQ community?
What is a metallica song that you didn't like at first, but later got into?
Ride the Lightning is such a Badass song
Introducing the one, the only, Daniel the ___!
Best song from albums day 8:
You go to a bar but you’re terrible at ordering drinks
People on this sub's favorite songs. (Just stop by and name your fav song)
Don't make me come over there and slap you on the _____!
Favourite Metallica Solo?
Need a Chess Coach !!
Anyone play chess with me?
What openings should I learn as white?
6. Bg5 Najdorf Sicilian