What’s the worst way you’ve had a relationship end?
Why can he last so long when I am blowing him but less during sex ?
Men- do you jack off to normal photos of your friends?
What clothes do you find men sexiest in?
Anyone else having an extra stressful day? How are you relieving the stress?
You prefer Hot or Cold
Do you and your wife sleep naked?
What is the hottest thing the opposite sex can do to you?
There are people who say that human sacrifices are still performed in Mexico for dark magic rituals. Do you believe that's possible?
Black and grey tattoo artwork by © Joseh Tattoo Ink, Brazil.
Have you ever seen Bigfoot or anything else unexplainable?
Do you regret anything from your sexual past?
Wife cheated and years later it turn me on thinking about it
Back stage pass
How do you like me as a redhead?
What sport has the sexiest athletes?
What never gets old no matter how many times you do it?
G19 build
What was the last slutty act you did?
I get so hard when my wife shows off
When’s the last time you fucked on the 1st date?
What hobbies do you find most/least attractive in your "preferred" gender?
Build suggestions pls?
22f lesbian tries dick for the first time