Hot take:
choose 3 monsters to fuse them and give it a name
Could somebody make a layout of all the maps in PC2?
It’s Wendy’s turn, what’s her best outfit?
everyone’s excited for tinky? MF NILO GOT A NEW POSE
What’s a monster that hasn’t been confirmed or denied but you REALLY want them in the game. I’ll go first
If you could make any upcoming monster be confirmed to release after stricken, who would it be?
Niloticus NEEDS more victory poses so here’s a couple I thought of.
What are your thoughts on the new emote wheel?
My first Watti-o-Clock
What Sonic thing pisses you off more than it should?
My goofy plants doodles
Custom novel cover/movie poster
Who is the rival of Super Brainz?
Which Nightmare critter would you get?
Happy Valentine's Day :D
What is it now?
Favorite Character That Begins With the letter : S
Alright we know this Movie is great, but just for funsies... what did you dislike about it?
If the Shatterverse returned, what would you like to see from it?
You guys think Niloticus nerf was deserved?
How's the party sunny boy!?
Bet you cant~
Love story
What’s 2 characters you wish had more screen time together? I’ll go first