The “Summer Update” Has Won for the: “BEST UPDATE”!! Now Moving onto the: “BEST THEME”!!
19F never had a bf or a guy have a crush on me so idk what to think
I just got rejected from my top choice
The themes became stupider
What Role Could Anya Taylor Joy Play?
Cambridge Medicine Bread 🍞 (Intl)
things i did instead of revising/doing homework
i hate this stupid piece of shit app.
Fed up and mad
Can we agree that 044 is a bad copy of 212?
Written Notes erasing when I write - NOT pen gesture issue
I have a Question About angle of rotation of pen
Clare college Cambridge economics offer
AITA for telling a woman her baby is not a miracle?
Is Goodnotes still burning up iPad pros?
GN Deletes my notes
Day 10: What’s the BEST game?
Entire Notebook with 217 comments became blank
shaking. 5/5 bread
biggest hater of success award goes to this guy 😭😭😭😭😭😭
distracting, space-taking UI in goodnotes
AIO Racist boyfriend l?
Ultimate notetaking template (imho) [FREE]