Significant improvement in nasal breathing with Zyrtec
Waking up at night in a sort of dream state/ cold sweat
Was Nasal Surgery Recovery Up and Down for You?
Trazodone not helping?
Low GABA the root cause for most of us?
My symptoms don't make sense, unsure if Sleep Apnea or Narcolepsy
What the hell am I supposed to do??
Maintenance Insomnia- Those that have been cured , what worked?
Treating UARS - Surgery Ever Warranted After BIPAP Optimized?
Does untreated obstructive sleep apnea or UARS always cause hypertension
Can't sleep for more than 2 hours at a time?
Woken up absolutely exhausted and not sure why
I can’t stop snoring ! Help
Started snoring recently
Worsening sleep pattern need help
Bleep Reviews please!
Sore arms and shoulders
Recovery has been rough
Right Nostril still blocked 24/7 even after 2 years of Septoplasty
Sore throat post op
Post op
Day 11 post surgery
swollen turbinates
Cause of fatigue?
I’m at a loss and i need help bad.