Lennon and Yoko were so ridiculously out of touch
Steven will be performing mainly pre-1995 PT songs on upcoming tour.
Smoking weed is r*tarded
What do you think is the current 2020s half All-decade Team?
How do you feel about Jon as the drummer?
Phish - Guyute
Steven Wilson - Hand.Cannot.Erase [Modern Prog Rock] (2015)
Gen Z ageism is really starting to piss me off
who tf is tate mcrae
Being non binarious has to be so embarrassing
Anyone else pissed at what the normies consider “not fat”?
Where would you rank Kobe if he did manage to win the 2008 Finals? (And still win the 09 & 10 finals)
I don't understand how people get into Anime
TKA ROM not improving
My "the world you remember no longer exists" melancholy is really overwhelming
Sheesh...gave big contract cuz he was Durable and a 71 OVR...now is a 47. at 25 years old.
Hoop earrings make every woman look immediately 10% hotter (at minimum)
View: Luigi hope has spiraled into delusion
Immigration and PT Licensing in Canada from US
What are your best tips for dealing with chatty patients?
Let's break that down.
After 408hrs it finally happened!!
Do some patients just not get better?
(Pat Ragazzo) Braves, among others, are also interested in [Dylan Cease and Michael King]