What words or names do you like to moan out when fucked?
How do you feel about sexting?
When sexting, what’s the best way for us to confirm you’ve actually orgasmed?
Do you smoke after sex?
Women of ARAD: when you give us the indication during sex that ‘I’m so close’, approximately how many minutes away are you?
If you had access to a device that let you know the sexual orientation of anyone you looked at and if they fancied you, would you use it?
What makes you unique?
What’s a valuable lesson everyone should know?
What tastes good hot or cold?
What’s a “female experience” that you wish men could go through for a day?
Could a bikini be a good street outfit if more clothes were added on?
What's something impressive about you?
Men, do you always wake up hard? Do you always have to do something about it before you get up.
Ladies of ARAD. Do you find it hot when a guy liked your feet?
men: based off of all your sexual relationships what would you say is the typical grooming preference you've seen from the women you've been with?
What's the silliest way someone has initiated sex with you?
What would you rate your body?
What was something that was difficult sexually with a loving partner? Did you overcome it, or just rule it out?
Women, are you submissive? Why and do you enjoy it?
Whats something you started as a one time thing and now you can't stop ?
When are you the most envious of the other sex?
ARAD, what time do you have to wake up tomorrow?
Do you need to stimulate yourself with your hand during sex to stay aroused ?
Just going to ask it. Who has nudes on their profile?
What caused your best orgasm?