Concede or let me finish the final hit
Can I be honest with y'all
A short Guide on how to obtain this and future 5-Win Emblems.
Worst god pack ever?
Need help improving my Darkrai deck
Trade with me please :)
Need help completing GA (Only missing 2)
What do you think would make this trade worth it?
Having no Elder Dragons feels really good
Worst/best god pack?
I didn't know God packs can show up in wonderpicks
LF: Cyrus x2
Tribbie E1 VS LC?
Looking for Dialga EX
Irida or Granny
Best combo with Sakura display
LF Starmie EX
LF: dragonite, shinx, drifloon, rhyperior, manaphy, carnivine, garchomp, hippopotas
ex giveaway
LF 2 Arceus EX, Articuno EX & 2 Palkia EX
/r/PTCGP Trading Post