50 days 50 questions: day 1: Fav season?
What season should I watch next?
Idk if it’s his acting or personality, but this dude is straight up painful to watch
My pothos' leaves have been quickly turning yellow
Something you would want at a plant shop?
One of the saddest scenes in AHS in my opinion😭
Finally tried self flossing for the first time, gums won't stop bleeding since. Any tips to prevent bleeding?
Need good shows with no cheating!!
Songs that make you feel more witchy?
Favorite item from home apothecary?
what are some good shows where the characters deal with real life issues and has a lot of sad moments. however the show isn’t known as a sad show. maybe a sitcom or something along those lines
Bring only the essential "Got it"
Vintage Dinner Party
How many tarot decks?
Need some oral hygiene tips
New to monstera: advice?
Litter Genie vs regular mini trash can
Show me pictures of your cat sleeping on their back!
I'm not having the best day; please could you all comment with photos of your kitties?
Favourite AHS Actress & Actor?
I want to start incorporating a large, daily salad every day. What have you learned over the years of salad making that you wish you knew in the beginning?
Feeling sad.. Please share photos of your cats <3 here are mine
Philodendron Birkin
What’s on my bird of paradise
Show me your most fitting plant + plant pot!