12 days since i got braces and 1 of the brace came off
can i eat gum with braces?
What was your entire ortho and surgery timeline ? My ortho originally estimated 2 yrs. I'm 2yrs in, likely another 1.5 to go now.
What is life like years after surgery?
What is the weirdest thing you broke your braces on
who else is on their period right now?
How long was your actual surgery scheduled after consultation?
Day 1! Braces at 32
Greasy hair 🫠
The only point of contact is my front lower teeth. How to chew and danger from excessive wear?
I give up
How have adults found dating with braces on?
I’m drowning in credit card debt and loans
My girlfriend admitted that her ex fucked her better and it’s getting in my head
What did you pay. USA. Insurance will pay $2000/lifetime
New appointment today what do you think about new combination
Should I Get Braces at 28? Looking for Advice
What is this off white building line in the skin of my thumb?
What are some other good food options besides soup, smoothies and mashed potatoes?
hi, are you okay?
Doctor never calls me back, what does this mean?
8 weeks post-op: When I bite down softly my canines touch and there’s movement on the top. Is this a non-union?
Pretty sure my daughter’s first period is around the corner. What r some things I shud keep handy? 😅
Kirsten Dunst recently.