Lana Quiz (Link): How Many Songs Do You Know?
Best karaoke worthy song?
Honeymoon elimination game! The song with the most comments will be eliminated!
Do you think Lana in a way achieved this by pledging to donate all the earnings?
lana del rey rare//may 27 2007
Don't feel like a human being anymore, more like an animal
favourite lyrics EVER
what’s your playlist cover for your lana playlist?
What’s your favourite part of Lana’s appearance?
So now when I search for this song on youtube, I only get the 'new' guitar version, and not the version with the bubbly dreamy 1950s New York city music.
I wish i never met him he destroyed me
What's this Lana song for you?
Ok, so which unreleased song you listening to right now?
My cherries and thyme🍒
Family are toxic towards me (27) and my 4 year old
What do we all think of Lana’s Cover of You Must Love Me by Andrew Lloyd Webber?
When you think of lana del rey asthetic what comes to you mind?
What song would you love Lana to cover?
It’s the end of the world
How do we feel about You Must Love Me?
What Lana song is this for you?
What do people who write "could of" think when they see could've?
What is a weird thing your abuser did/required of you?
Having a panic attack
How serious was it (death threats)