Netflix Dante dubbed by @smoovmonkey on Instagram in Official Teaser
Vergil why you looking at fury butt?
How do 3 of your ocs go against the nephilim twins; Luce(Nicknamed: The Doom Monger) and Dazzle-Man(Real name:Arch)
So last month I commented this and why was I wrong?!
I hate those red bastards
Wanna know smth funny?These two mfs are meant to be not just siblings....BUT TWINS!?
Calling Bleach characters anything but their name. Pt 36
Is there an in lore explanation for why Dmc2 Dante acts differently compared to his previous and later versions?
Strictly for truth enjoyers.
6 years later and i still think that Dmc5 needed a dlc instead of just playable Vergil
Which Devil May Cry game was your first and which one is your favourite? (In my case DMC5 first game, DMC3:SE favourite)
"Krillin should've killed Android 18",Ok I'm gonna be completely logical with you all..what the fuck did 17 and 18 even do that warranted to be blown up?
The last game you play has to survivor the hell invasion and can they do it or no?
I‘m slightly exaggerating (Art by me)
Im Krillin IRL or at least im trying
Literally every post on my feed rn:
Eternal is fucking hard , fuck archviles too
I'm quitting this game permanently
Anyone else missing?
Luck or Skill?
Was 13 year old me weird for this? (Shes my childhood crush)
I have asked this in r/soulslike too but I feel like it is relevant here too.What weapons can I use for a DMC based Elden Ring build
looking for a Devil May Cry based build here. All I need is a weapon but I'm on my first run so I ask of you all which weapon I must go for
I just remembered this DMC3 Vergil looking bud I made in DS2