Are there any fans who didn't understand the maths behind this game, if so, did make you dislike it?
What specialty suits you? ♥️♣️♦️♠️
Whose voice is the most soothing
Most Iconic Moment: Series 6!
TMUK's Name Game. Round 12:
Did they ever go into the caravan in S18.
Tierlist of how far squid game season 2 characters would go if they were in season 1
If you had played the squid game, which game would you have died in? For me this one
What Characters Are Overrated In Your Opinion???
Who cares about who more?
Would these players survive if they were drafted to Borderland instead of Squid Game?
TMUK's Name Game. Round 5:
If The 6 games took place in this order , how far would you make it
The recruiter is just straight up evil, finally… who’s got no screen time, but all the plot relevance?
What team are you joining in Six Legged Pentathlon? (One only)
POV: You’re offered a job as a Guard in Squid Game, there are 5 ranks to choose, but you can only choose one rank, which one would you be (Recruiter is an optional bonus)
these two have a lot of depth to them.
What you do if your the last vote?
Who is(n't) this?
Theory on the final game.
Insight into Joe Wilkinson's mind.
Quality of theories on the mysterious game with the 2 dolls represented via meme.
I will die on my hill and say he would have definitely won if the 5th game was fair and not luck based
Is it just me or is the frontman super goofy looking in this promo compared to everyone else?