AITA (19m) for consistently ghosting my friend (20m) purposefully just because he thinks I'm readily available all the time?
Terrible at techno but want go get better
Planning to live the next 60 years or so off of Disability checks and in the same house I grew up in
19 but don't have any plans to save money, which I might need to for the future
Is Autechre pay-to-win music?
Best æ song to get baked to?
Eidetic Casein is underrated
Confield songs moods
Weird fear that I'll get randomly shot in the head one day.
I'm a confusing mess (also IDR labs seems inaccurate)
Might be an unhealthy INTP but not 100% certain
Doesn't care for family/Doesn't see the point in maintaining relationships
Bad spacial awareness/Lack of paying attention to surroundings
Overwhelmed/Unmotivated by gaming backlog
Disinterest in New/Modern Things
The urge to want to disappear
Fear of Success?
Aromantic or just unloved?
1.9 GPA lol
Type me based off my music tastes (enneagram optional).