Louis’ world tour
What paragon level should I be at for Jack’s loyalty mission? (To keep Miranda’s loyalty)
Starting my 2nd playthrough of ME2, first with femshep. I forgot how great the beginning is.
Just finished my 2nd playthrough of ME1. 1st as FemShep. Couldn’t trigger any of the romances.
Currently on 2nd ME1 playthrough. It’s been 10 times easier this time around because….
I'm trying to be nice
Is it too late for me?
Looking for feedback on my mix (please don't hold back!)
What finally helped mixing click for you?
Feedback on my mix (please don't hold back!)
Mix engineer seeking to work with dedicated artists, helping bring their music to life!
Professional Mixing Engineer (Mariano Palmadessa)
Looking for other opinions on my my
Looking for a mixing teacher (I’ve had it with stabbing in the dark)
Need help with mixing (willing to pay)🎧
AI Generated LoFi becoming an issue?
Reaction channels are another sign of how lonely and dystopian things are getting
Gonna start making lofi music! I have some questions ...
My dad might be dying, and I’m afraid that my quietness and social awkwardness is seen as not caring.
I can’t do this anymore. I hate this fucking country
How racist is Japan really?
Day 1
Met the Abe siblings, Wolf, and Tsunoda at the Tokyo Grand Slam today