[KCD2] Rosa! I got those books from the libr.... Rosa?
[KCD2] New on the game, it's normal to feel useless, dumb and lost on this game?
[KCD2] How it felt to complete the game without romancing anyone:
A very early photo of the band that I found years ago. Man, they look young!
[KCD2] The Italian Job
My first mini!!! How can I improve?
[Other] My son has been watching me play this game too much!
[KCD2] Every Time
[KCD1] I was attracted to KCD2 then I decided to go KCD first
[KCD2] I think i found an Olaf reference.
I tried it, once. [KCD2]
[KCD1] Are critical hits a thing? Got an unexpected one-shot.
Personal Chest [KCD2]
How would one ask for this haircut without looking like an idiot [KCD2]
[KCD2] bug or hyper realistic?
[KCD2] Am I doing this right?
[KCD2] Is this lady from the ad actually in the game?
This game is still unmatched in the scope and beauty department. I don't think i've ever played a game with such mesmerizing skies
This Game Has The WEIRDEST Community
PS5 completely broken!
I thought they killed my horse
All I have to say is screw this MF right here!
Combat is so frustrating
Should I as a noob start a hardcore play?
Get back to work