What percentage of kmfdm songs do you enjoy?
flies around hive
Picard avoided being "A man of many parts"...🤣
Thoughts on the most killer intro in their songs?
Albums similiar to En Esch's "Trash Chic"?
Colombian park - unknown building
Is it stupid to put 100k in SCHD and let it sit?
It finally came!!
Trump Closes the Dept Edu
It is a surreal thing to watch right !
What is there to pursue beyond money?
Letter S: Favourite Industrial Songs A-Z. Song with the most upvotes wins!
Happy Flower mentioned in Forbes
Sunk cost fallacy vs. long term outlook
Wtf is going on
Jefry Yan's strikeout celebration is⚡!
AOC: "This is an oligarchy issue"
Missing Cat: Oliver
Letter M: Favourite Industrial Songs A-Z. Song with the most upvotes wins!
Sascha reading brainrot
what would be this movie?
What is your favorite type of food? (Mexican, Italian etc) What state do you live in?
University caves to union's demand, RAs to go without roommates next year