Finally happy with my set up, so what do I do now?
Sold digitakt for £360 tell weeks ago and bought another for £400 today yaaaayyyy
DT1 and model:cycles still going strong
This goes harder than I wanted it to
NGL I used to look down on Behringer gear but now that it costs 70% more it's gotta be 70% better, right?
Loving this mini, minimal, micro, macro, budget set up! Jam to come!
Using over bridge to queue sounds before going into main mix?
Exploring Digitakt IDM
Finally the scourge of affordability will be eradicated from our cherished Art!
All of Behringer's prices just increased overnight at Sweetwater...
Guys I'm selling all my livens and rebuying the digitakt that I sold last month for less than it's worth.. am I doing it right?
For optimum results, make sure to work up to this size gradually
Thoughts on this new product?
Is there a digital software mixer to monitor inputs from various sound interface simultaneously?
What else should I sell ?
i wonder why i don’t see more people using the digitakt to make hiphop/rnb type music
It’s Possible To Enjoy Playing Synths With Low Budget Gear
Wave table synth that lets you wave at a table??!!???
Fuck this, I'll make my own damn synths!
What is the worst Moog?
Told them to use hardware, didn't listen, took them to court.
What's the opposite of GAS?
LIVEN series ability to modulate sample/preset
do i win?
Synth for not making music?
Spent 3K on a synth, never bothered to memorize 7 notes on those white things.
Can the sonicware lofi xt sound lock/modulate sample?
FM Synthesis Is Bad