Dear diary post 100!!!! Wow I can't believe it has been 100 posts. I bought this specifically for this occasion and wanted to show all of you. How do you like my VS purchase? Hope you all have a great night!!!
Liking my 42 yo Mom bod?
Wore this under my outfit when I went out with my Mom friends tonight. Now home all alone...
Soccer evening and the kids are in bed now. All alone. Liking this outfit?
Lonely on a Thursday. My Mom bod needs some company.
42 years old and all alone on a Thursday.
Thursday night playtime all alone.
Well left all alone on a Thursday night and wanted to show off a little. How is my 42 yo Mom of 4 body looking
How does my little Thursday night outfit look?
All alone on a Thursday and wishing my 42 yo self had some company.
Liking my heels in my Thursday night attire?
Well today was a lonely day for me. Went out with my church Mom group and has this on underneath my outfit. Think anyone knew I was wearing this?
Thursday night is ladies night. All alone and wishing I had some company.
Dear diary post 99. Well, all alone on a Monday and winding down after a long day. Relaxing in this outfit so wanted to share. Hope you like it!
How am I looking tonight?
How is my 42 yo Mom body looking all alone on a Monday.
All alone on a Monday. Kids in bed now after practices.
How is my 42 yo Mom of 4 body looking tonight?
42 and all alone on a Monday.
All alone on a Monday.
Having a little bit of relaxing me time on a Monday night. How is my 42 yo Mom of 4 body looking
Kids are settled in bed and I am relaxing all alone on a Monday.
Monday blues. All alone and relaxing.
A quiet Monday all alone and just relaxing tonight. Church Sundays are always so busy, it is nice to take the following day to relax.
How is my Mom of 4 body looking?