On 'I'm leaving' posts
Yeah so, about offensive avatars
literally mfs in this sub:
Your avatar has come across Johnathan while he’s in a blood rage. How do they survive
Would it be worth grinding The Hunt to get the node rabbit ears for my avatar?
What are the chances that Mommy Long Legs killed Daddy and baby?
why does some cop use volt?
How much Money do you think I can make in 1 Hour?
Should we introduce new titans with new habitats or origins out from these? (other place suggestion)
how this sub is going
CC2 Delorean vs JB Delorean ig.
What would your Avatar?
Putting avatars in this usernames pls there’s no blood this time
Why do some people still make excuses for Prototype?
It has to be the best "award-winning game for the amount of exploiters, rivaling MM2!🏁" I mean, cmon.
I feel like a hater today, Give me your avatar and I’ll give you someone to Battle
How would you describe your Roblox avatar or OC's social life?
Can you convince her to not press this funny button
Could the Hollow Earth Survive 1 billion Great Tits?
Guys I love catnap but my friends were debating who's stronger...he's cooked
What’s your avatars sexuality? (Apologises if this is inappropriate)
How long would your avatar survive during the Metal Virus?
Half the posts I see here: I am evil god man convince me not to kill/date you I’ve met countless more powerful and stronger enemies than you no I’m not having a stroke you are
How good would it be if Silver were in the end credits of Sonic 4, and the fifth movie were based on Sonic 06?