At 42, I'm thinking of starting a slow downsizing campaign.
Who wins & why?
What is the longest road trip you did with your baby 0-1year?
Chefs assemble!
Battle Trolls!
Transparency - TQL Broker 47% Margin case against Carrier Pink Cheetah is NOW a federal Lawsuit!
Have You All Gone Soft?
I was moving a trailer that was being sent to be scrapped and this happened.
Self Feeding cushion
Your drones are here.
Digital Transformation Carrier
Post pics of your enclosures
It gets better
They should put this up in every high school
Everybody loves Alf.
Broker Transparency - lack of understanding
Overtime pay for truck drivers could be on the horizon! There's legislation that's been reintroduced in the U.S. House of Representatives, with bipartisan support, to change the "Motor Carrier Exemption" from the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act.
TQL faces federal lawsuit over broker transparency dispute
Hotshot load board
project44 smacks MyCarrier, arbitration likely next step
Judge rules TQL owes thousands of former employees overtime pay
New to the Industry
Any thoughts?
How do young people get into this?