If France win the 6N tonight...
Match Thread - France U20s v Scotland U20s | Six Nations U20 2025 | Round 5
Match Thread - Wales U20s v England U20s | Six Nations U20 2025 | Round 5
Flair up, what is your usual ranking for support in the 6N ?
Extra of volume 26 and a scene from Fist of the Seeker chapter 67, both relevant for the new chapter
Six nations - Player of the tournament
What's your country's rugby advertisements ?
is there a community name for the rock where super samples spawn?
Italy v France post-match thread
Macron interrompt Trump pour corriger ses mensonges sur l'aide à l'Ukraine devant des journalistes à la Maison Blanche - 24/02/2025
Macron interrupts Trump and corrects his bullshit about aid to Ukraine live in front of journalists
Biggest winners of the Six Nation round 3
Match Thread - Italy v France | Six Nations 2025 | Round 3
A partir de quel moment exact avez-vous remarqué que le JDG avait maigri? Moi c'était dans le test "Home Alone" avec la scène des bagages (en décembre 2013!)
Match Thread - England v Scotland | Six Nations 2025 | Round 3
How strong Chou Tou must have been in his prime?
Rereading This hits different.
Who are you picking?...
Is there are weapon that Space Marines consider the "crossbow" of the 41st millennia?
On est vivant !
Explain your teams most recent fixture badly.
Duhan van der Merwe in the corner
Galthié me fait penser à Eddie Jones
Match Thread - England v France | Six Nations 2025 | Round 2
Post Match Thread - Italy v Wales