Trugg joins the ranks finally!
Merry Christmas you filthy animals!
Hive Fleet Skylla! Accumulated after 1.5 Years of blue & white dots...
What are your favorite apps to use to help you run your real estate business?
Loot Filter Please - Dialogue at the end says it all, haha!
How or where can I find a f******* Vex rune ??
SSF Crazy Luck - First Jah
My list got bumped to over 1000 points
"The Scum Buckets" make their debut
Friend said my scheme is absolute trash, is it that bad?
New consensus on which color OSL Glow for his gun. Any ideas? 🤔
Help deciding what colour to paint thr flesh to go with this armour?
Year 4 of getting back into 40k. 3rd army added to collection!
Finally finished full terrain setup!
The Great Oil Wash begins...
Fun painting this guy!
Changeling/Change caster added to Disciples of Belakor
Anyone who has the codex yet, do Old One-Eye's Melee weapons actually do less damage than a regular Carnifex?
Is anyone else going to try out Biovores in the new codex?
Can we just all agree it’s fine for Primaris Marines to use Drop Pods?
Any suggestions on poses, base additions or anything else before I glue and slap some paint down?
Light Sorc Gear Discussion
Chaos Sanctuary Grinding
Is this a decent loadout for a melee focused fex? There's so much choice...
How do you guys handle ad mech?