I want a fun car

I am looking for one last fun car before I settle down and need something more like a Mini SUV for kids (~10 years from now)

Let’s say no limit on the budget, but the lower the better. Not going to say no to my dream car if it’s above 50k, but if it’s less, even better.

I currently drive a Mini Cooper and it suites my lifestyle very well.

I commute to and from work daily. Gas mileage is important to me. I do not need any cargo space whatsoever. It wouldn’t bother me to get something bigger, I just don’t need it. Also manual transmission is perfectly fine, no preference one way or the other.

Cars that pique my interest: Miata’s, anything hardtop convertible I LOVE (I don’t mind soft top but I don’t prefer it), Jeep Wranglers, anything with a hatchback, Subarus, anything Ford

Dealbreakers/almost dealbreakers: No trucks Nothing electric or hybrid No Mustangs (I don’t like the blind spots) No compact/coupe/2door unless it’s a hardtop convertible Mini cooper was too expensive to fix anytime something broke Preferably not European Gas mileage is really important No soft top convertibles unless it’s a really nice car