Why don't UoA girls like my vegetable garden?
I introduced myself to a girl in Shaky Isles cafe the other day. I saw her sitting alone and I walked up to her. It felt like love at first sight.
I said my name and we started talking about our majors and that typical stuff. but I couldn't think of how to keep the conversation going at one point. I pulled out my phone and asked if she wanted to see my vegetable garden from my home in Taupo. She nodded and I started going through pics. I started it a few years ago and was really proud of my basil and tomatoes especially. I think she was really interested and I thought she really liked me and she was pretty too so i asked her "Do you want to date?" and she said "ummm no im sorry." I felt really awkward so I just apologized and said bye.
This has kinda shattered my confidence and I can't stop thinking about it.
Has anyone else had their confidence shattered at UoA in a similar manner?