Pet peeve about the Survivor community

I don’t like it when people are discussing who deserved to win/receive jury votes and a million people are in the comments like “You know, (winner) is the most deserving because they got the vote of the jury!” Like yeah, I get it. Survivor is a social game and leveraging the bitter jury is part of it. I feel like we should still be able to discuss things like this instead of being flooded with the same “erm actually” comments every time. It kind of reminds me of the “customer is always right” mentality, just because the jury are entitled to their own opinions and have more experience on the island and around these finalists doesn’t mean we can’t criticize their decision making or make our own judgements too. And while it’s true that “we only see as much as the edit shows us! Reality TV shows a false narrative”, in that case why even bother discussing ANYTHING about Survivor? Lol